Silicone Antifoams

Ruxsil ‘A’ brand defoamers are presented in waterless liquid, solvent, emulsion and powder formats; all produced, if required, under the strictest food quality standards.

The product line is optimised to manage problematic foams in many application sectors, including food, fermentation, detergents and water treatment processes.

Extensive Capabilities

As an independent family business, we care about the people we work with, the products we make and our customer focused route to market. We aim to break the mold to become your trusted partner delivering quality silicone solutions in your preferred pack delivered when you want it.

  • Performance

    Our Antifoam products are formulated in accordance with industry requirements to tackle various different types of foam. Each formulation delivers exceptional performance with minimal dosing, tailored for its indented application.
  • Adaptable

    Our ‘A’ range is always adaptable to your needs and our skilled technical team can tweak formulations to suit your process or end formulation.
  • Value

    The concentrated power of our Antifoam products means they offer highly effective solutions with minimal dosing. This offers tremendous process or end formulation optimisation and reduced product usage; making them perfect for those looking to boost performance and lower costs.